
Shall we CALL YOU???

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Shall we call for you?

Phone Call Service:

We can make a call in Spanish for you and report back with the results.

  • Call the Doctors or Hospital to check on an appointment time?
  • Need to call the garage to see if the car is ready?
  • Call the vets to see if you can collect the dogs yet?
  • Boiler or Air Conditioning broken and you need to call a technician and then speak with them once they arrive?
  • Call the takeaway and get the order right for once?!

None of this is a problem with CALL BUNDLES

==>>CLICK HERE<<==

need other help?

Our main service is an Instant Telephone Interpretation Service 24h.

We also provide an ExPat Support Service (Currently only available in Spain) If you have a problem that you just need someone to get involved and help you to fix, then visit our ExPat Support Service Page NOW!

We are not an advice line, chat line nor information line and we do not provide a written translation service.

We occasionally get asked questions during the calls and we usually direct the caller to this page then tell them to hang up quickly to save their money!

For example, if you ask us “Where is the best restaurant in Denia?” we can tell you “¿Donde esta el mejor restaurante en Denia?” but we won’t use your call time to chat about opinions on restaurants – there are much cheaper ways to get that information!

But if you need help with documentsgeneral information or legal advice etc, please find below a list of carefully selected official and reputable sources of information, advice and services of things we sometimes get asked for by non Spanish people living in Spain

*If you are an English speaking service that you think should be listed on this page, please >>CLICK HERE<< to register, or here to update your information.